Q: How long does it take our products to ship?
A: Our products generally ship within 7-10 business days. However, if products are in high demand, it can take up to 2-3 weeks before the product is received.
Q: Is this website secure?
A: We take our customers' security very seriously. Rest assured, no personal information will ever be shared. All payment information is backed by some of the industry's best fraud protection.
Q: Do you accept PayPal?
A: Yes.
Q: What are your refund and replacement policies?
A: If you received an item that is damaged or faulty we will happily replace the item at no additional cost to you. Please contact us within 48 hours after receiving your order.
We can only offer you replacements at no additional cost if it falls under the criteria below:
- Items are faulty – damaged/broken or soiled upon arrival
- Packages that are lost in transit
Note: We will not be held liable for any lost or misrouted packages. Please ensure all the information you provided is correct before submitting your order to prevent losses in the mail or other mishaps from happening.
Items may be returned or exchanged within 30 days after the purchase was shipped if in original condition with its packaging.
Our quality assurance team will inspect your shipment before we can process a refund. If everything looks good, we will credit your original payment method, excluding delivery charges, within three weeks of receiving your return.
You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs paid when you placed the order are non-refundable.
To request a return send an email to: contact@trendziostore.com
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Yes. We ship worldwide.
Q: How long does it take for an order to arrive?
A: Once shipped, your order will arrive within the following shipping time:
Country | Avg. Shipping Time |
United States | 1-2 Weeks |
Canada | 1-2 Weeks |
Europe & Australia | 2-4 Weeks |
Rest of World | 2-4 Weeks |
You’ll receive an email confirmation once your order has shipped. Feel free to email us to check on your order status. We're happy to help.
Q: Still have a question?
A: You can contact us directly through our contact page. Someone will usually respond within 24 hours.